
NEWS: I now sell menstrual cup at my new store:


This is my written review on the DivaWash, which I purchased online in late January, 2008. It is a product of the company that makes the Diva Cup (a brand of menstrual cup) and is used for daily cleansing of the product.
About The DivaWash

I like how the DivaWash matches the Divacup box (what can I say, I‘m one of those people who loves matching sets). I was pleased to read that it was ph balanced, concentrated, and natural. I prefer something of that nature, if I’m going to be using it to clean an item that will be inside my body.

Right away, I removed the cap to look inside the bottle. The liquid was clear and thick, with a pleasant and light citrus fragrance, which I like very much.  I tried a small, pea-sized drop of it on my DivaCup under the running faucet, and noticed that it lathered well on the silicone! That one drop was more than sufficient to clean the cup inside and out. It also rinsed away very easily, and did not leave any strong, perfume-like smells on the cup.

Another thing I noticed, after drying my hands, was that they seemed to feel really soft… But not over-dried, the way they sometimes feel when you use regular soap (I usually have to apply lotion to my hands after washing them, but I didn’t in this case 🙂 ). So that was definitely a big plus.

I understand that some women prefer to use cheaper soap.  But I prefer the menstrual cup manufacturer soaps for my own personal use.  Not only because it supports the company, but because you KNOW there is nothing in it that should not be used on the cup.  Its just a little extra peace of mind.  Honestly, this is something you won’t suddenly run out of.  Pre-ordering is doable as you would know when you need more ahead of time.  And again, since you use so little per wash, its lasts.

**UPDATE (September 10, 2009):   I’m writing this particular part almost 9 months later…  I still have 2/3 of my DivaWash bottle left.  It cost me 6 dollars at iherb.com, and I only use a pea-sized drop whenever I wash my cup with it.  If you reserve it ONLY for your cup, I grantee you, it will not be an expensive product, and you will probably only need a new bottle once per year.   Its a very safe option for cleaning, and very cost effective.  Not unreasonable at all.  So if you wonder about it, I would say its perfectly justifiable  to try it.

In short, I am very pleased with the DivaWash, and it does live up to the statements made by the company.


  1. ArtzyFartzy said,

    I use diva wash to clean my diva cup. I love that it is dye free, and leaves no residue. A must for ever cup user! 🙂

  2. Mii said,

    One question 🙂 as an alternative to using Diva Wash, they said to use clean potable water…(drinking water)…does it have to be drinking water? What about regular tap water?

    And as for sterilizing it, their instructions were to boil it. It doesn’t mention on their website, but what about using rubbing alcohol to disinfect? (then let the alcohol to evaporate over time). Because some other menstrual cups have that alternative for disinfecting, so I was wondering if that was possible for the Diva Cup?

    • menstrualcupinfo said,

      As long as the tap water from the sink is safe to drink, then it is fine to use for washing a cup. After all this product will be inside your body 🙂

      Several menstrual cup companies recommend using rubbing alcohol to sterilize now. However, you should not soak your cup in any cleaning or sterilizing agent. That’s really not good for the silicone. The best way to use rubbing alcohol on medical silicone (these instructions were given to me by a medical silicone expert)– Soak a cotton ball with the alcohol. Rub it all over the cup. Let it dry. Its the drying process that sterilizes. Not only is this method better and safer, but it saves money by using less alcohol.

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